HYIPs, which stands for high yield investment platforms, is a type of investment that pays higher profits on a short-term basis. Though many investors are cautious about these programs, you can still make SOME(not A LOT) money through HYIPs. The good thing about HYIPs is that you need not wait for long if you want to earn. However it comes with risk, and very high risk.
You have been warned that HYIP is a risky investment.
So, what are the risks involved in HYIPs?
As with any investment, there is always a certain amount of risk to it. It is usual for you to expect some level of risk when it comes to investments. However, there are ways to minimize your risks. When you invest a considerable amount of money and do not have a sound understanding of these investments, the danger comes in.
I will list down a few points that you need to have in mind for your HYIP investments.
#1 NEVER EVER overleverage your investment.
What do I mean by that?
If you have only 5000USDT to invest in crypto, only put in 500 USDT into one platform, and only allow yourself to invest in two platforms at any time until you get back your initial.
It isn’t difficult isn’t it?
However, there are many disgruntled users complaining high and low because they thought they have found a cash cow and decided to go ALL IN, investing all 5000USDT into one platform, and when that platform rugged, they lost everything and start blaming the ‘youtuber’ ‘blogger’ that introduced them the platform, and I’m not spared from all these criticism too.
Key takeaway #1
Never overleverage your investments!
That brings me to the next thing you need to know about HYIP.
#2 No platforms run FOREVER — one day it will fall and project will end/rugpull.
There will be a time where the devs decided to pull the rug and take all profits with them. Well they are there operating for a reason, to earn profits. Same as any investments, even legit centralised bank investment programs, they have consultants waiting to earn your money through commissions too.
You as an investor is also here to earn a profit. So please be a grown up adult and accept losses as part of your game.
For example, swapnex, a famous HYIP, operated from Aug 2021 and stopped in May 2022. It is one of the longest HYIP which led many calling it a scam. I would say it ‘rugpulled’ instead of scammed, as people joined early have been earning good profits and only people who joined late made a loss.
Then COTPS also fell as well as many HYIPs too.
While new one sprouted.
Key takeaway #2
All HYIPs will fall one day!
#3 Only join young HYIPs
When I introduced HYIPs in medium here, I only write about new ones, which I’m invested in. For example when I wrote about starix (it rugpulled), explosiveX, asapair, and latest asebit, all of them are only 2–3 days old.
Bearing in mind, most HYIPs will run 1 cycle only, the better ones will run 2–3 cycles, and the even better ones like quant express has been running for 100+ days, and as I mentioned, Swapnex operating for close to 10 months.
It depends on the team behind the project.
However my personal take is, to join in early and leave once you had your profit. Greed will only consume yourself.
Key takeaway #3
Only join projects that are less than 5 days old, maximum.
How do I start?
Now, where do I know what projects are new and which are okay to join?
One will be to subscribe to my Medium and I will post them once I’ve joined the projects.
The other will be to join my Telegram channel. https://t.me/cpihyip where I will be giving more updated updates than in Medium.
Am I suitable to invest in HYIPs?
If you are looking for long term investments, then no.
If you are not a high risk taker, no.
If you don’t have spare cash and your portfolio is very small, no.
If you can’t take losses, no.
How does HYIPs operate?
There are a couple of ways they operate.
- They can take your money and do trading on their own. (hardly)
- They list their shit coins on small exchanges like pancakeswap and earn through listing of their coins.
- They depend on influx of new investors. (almost always)
Now before you mention the word, ponzi, yes it seems to be ponzi, but then again, all miner projects like Bakedbeans and ‘defi projects’ like DRIP and Elephant money, are all glorified ponzi.
But does that mean you can’t earn from it? Far from it!
The key as I mention, is to know how to play with its rules. I will write a new article on how to invest in HYIPs — The Plan.